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Topics - SCrubjay

Off Topic / Hookers, Sooners, and Bears..... Oh MY!
April 06, 2017, 06:07:55 PM
c'mon folks.... I canNOT believe there isn't a word on this site about LJ Moore pimping out his Sooner Cheerleader girlfriend (allegedly)... I mean... wth??? ...  and she is the OU cheerleading coach's daughter?...

this blog is intense....

I can't decide which part I like best... where she says she isn't having sex with these guys, she's just robbing them .... or the tweet where she says she has "more money in her mouth than you got in your pocket"...

Boomer Sooner!
Off Topic / Greatest run ever?
March 17, 2017, 11:40:50 AM
must watch!  talk about Beast Mode!  LOL
Central Section Football / Tomorrow is NLI day....
January 31, 2017, 09:11:25 AM
anybody have a list started of where Central Section kids are going?
Off Topic / The Force is with Los Angeles
January 10, 2017, 05:01:18 PM
just landed the Lucas museum.... a huge coup for Los Angeles, USC and Exposition Park...

Add that to the Los Angeles Football Club's Banc of California soccer stadium is under construction on the site of the old Sports Arena...

2016 has been hard on musicians....  I listened to about 10,000 times more ELP and King Crimson than Prince.... so this one means more in my book.
Off Topic / OC Register Voter guide
November 07, 2016, 11:00:30 AM
In case some of you are still researching.... the Orange County Register may have one of the most balanced analyses around... pro and con editorials on almost all the propositions.

glad to see them endorsing Loretta Sanchez... which is the correct move .... frankly, I am shocked that the Bee is as well...
I mean... other than having to put up with the Shi#storm that is this year's election....

You tell me that I couldn't drive that car for 8 years and that alone would be a deal breaker....
I am NOT a 49er fan... but stumbled upon his speech last night and was captivated.. I always respected DeBartolo's leadership and, after watching him speak, it is pretty clear why his teams played so hard for him...  If you want to relive the glory of his years at the helm... watch this...

BTW... his sister got all of a 3 second acknowledgement and Jed got none at all....  DeBartolo must be sick watching what is going on ... the contrast in the speech between his relationship with Walsh versus York and Harbaugh could not be more telling.
Off Topic / Hey Valleynative... you OK?
August 03, 2016, 08:46:39 AM
not a peep from you since the Goose Fire started... see it is 65% contained as of now... everything good up your way?
Off Topic / Blue Feed, Red Feed
July 08, 2016, 10:40:12 AM
In light of the comments in another thread regarding biased reporting and alternative news sources, this is a very interesting site that the Wall Street Journal is keeping updated.... it has side by side liberal/conservative Facebook posts on a variety of topics.. the most recent of which is last night's Dallas shootings.

"Facebook's role in providing Americans with political news has never been stronger—or more controversial. Scholars worry that the social network can create "echo chambers," where users see posts only from like-minded friends and media sources. Facebook encourages users to "keep an open mind" by seeking out posts that don't appear in their feeds."

BTW, I totally agree with the concern over "echo chambers"... it seems like too many on both sides only get news from sources which corroborate their existing beliefs  ...  It may make someone feel "good" or "right" but it doesn't promote cooperation, discussion, or enlightenment.
If you have ever seen the Gymkhana videos... this is fantastic...

video here :

And if you have NEVER seen the Gymkhana videos... I guess you should watch these first

Los Angeles:
San Francisco:
Off Topic / US Senate race
June 08, 2016, 10:01:50 AM
I gotta admit I sorta like the "top two vote getter" process of that race.

When I first looked at the ballot I thought "what a cluster****".... but now I see the value.

It was a foregone conclusion that a Democrat would be our next Senator, but now the Republicans can at least have a voice in which one... in the old process we would have been saddled with Duf Sundheim as the opposing choice and who would have been thrashed in November... Now we have the opportunity to vote for a more moderate Democrat .... heck, an Orange County Democrat is damn near a San Francisco Republican!!
Off Topic / Feds jamming aeronautical GPS...
June 07, 2016, 08:59:42 AM
apparently some large scale tests going on down in China Lake starting today...
this animated video is captivating and amazing... some of the statistics and comparisons are jaw dropping...

interactive website is here:
looks like Hustler is taking over the old Silver Dollar Hofbrau site ....  seems like a fair trade to me...

good bye breasts, hello breasts
good bye sausages, hello sausages

I know this is just a retail store, but Fresno/Clovis has to be the prudest big city in the country....  even Salt Lake City is looser
did any of you catch this on ESPN earlier in the week?  unflippin believable...

my daughter who is a biological mathematics major... with two years of multi-variable calculus plus differential equations... said, "Dad... you have NOOOOOOO idea how fast they are doing problems sooooo hard!"
Off Topic / The Adult Use of Marijuana Act
May 04, 2016, 10:10:30 AM
Seriously... it's about time....  tax it and regulate it ...  I have ag clients and brokers that have been gearing up for this for the past four years...

the State already knows this is going to pass ..... the Board of Equalization is ready to just "flip the switch" as soon as they get the OK... they even already have publications on it!

Off Topic / Jordan Spieth collapse
April 11, 2016, 10:55:43 AM
I'm posting this here rather than in the Pro Sports area, because this article has way more to do with how to approach all failures in life than just golf...  i've already forwarded it to my kids.

don't know if any of you subscribe to MLB Extra Innings, but DirecTV is charging about $175 for the exact same programming as you can stream for $110 through MLBTV on XBOX, Amazon Fire, Chromecast or a lot of other devices.... I think it is a bit more of a hassle to stream the games and I like the DVR option, so I prefer the DirecTV feeds, but not for $65  more.... I brought this to DirecTV's attention yesterday and they credited me $10/mo for 6 months no questions asked... so... if this applies to any of you, know that you can cut your bill by calling in.
Off Topic / Happy Dyngus Day!!!
March 28, 2016, 02:23:53 PM
Gotta go get me some pu$$y willows....

sounds like a whole lot more fun than hunting for eggs! LOL

Just kidding.... it's Hillary....  Bill says she never goes down.
Off Topic / el Nino finally coming?
March 03, 2016, 03:04:32 PM
I'll believe it when I see it...   pretty thorough analysis if nothing else....

current 7 day precipitation map projection

Also... FWIW.. the weatherunderground app for ios is pretty sweet... great stuff all on one page.

there is a link to the opt out forms.... since these records go back to 2008, both my adult kids will be encouraged to opt out.
Off Topic / Nice job San Francisco....
February 02, 2016, 11:52:51 AM
those idiots in that urine soaked Sodom better not come asking the state for money... if you are too incompetent to even get your budgets right AND are stupid enough to sign letters promising you would not go to the NFL for reimbursement, then you deserve what you get...

BTW... Santa Clara is getting a $3.6MM reimbursement for the NFL...

Most troubling Included in Santa Clara's agreement are legal terms around things like liability and indemnification — the kinds of provisions members of the public must agree to in order to rent, say, a bounce house or a picnic table in Golden Gate Park.

There's nothing like that between San Francisco and the NFL or the Host Committe
stumbled across this article and old racing footage.... figured Bigskin and the B'field boys would enjoy it...
since singing day is right around the corner, I thought y'all would find this interesting...

really good summary on the differences...