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Topics - Just_A_Fan

Off Topic / Limits to Scientific Understanding?
December 14, 2017, 06:31:02 AM
Ran across this article and found it particularly insightful....thought you all might enjoy's a bit long but, IMO, worth the investment of a little time and grey matter.
Off Topic / Finally Got the Bike Done
October 31, 2017, 06:38:37 AM
Got our Indian Roadmaster in late Frebruary and been working on her little by little ever since.  She's got custom headers, exhaust, air intake, seat/upholstery, 19" front rim/tire, and a bunch of other little mods/bolt-ons.  I'M DONE, LOL...thought you all might like to see her.  Sorry for the crappy picture, I'm not a very good photographer 

Off Topic / Voyager Hitting 40 Year Mission Mark
August 24, 2017, 04:02:10 AM
Remember these being launched when I was a kid and V2 still going strong....interesting read
Off Topic / New Clinton Slush Fund
May 15, 2017, 03:08:38 PM
With the Clinton Foundation drying up, looks like Shrillary has decided to create a new slush fund for the family.....
Off Topic / Muslim Nutcase Starts Killing in Fresno
April 18, 2017, 01:37:04 PM
We see it all over the world, now in our own city.....just terrible
Off Topic / Our Son Is Heading to the U.S. Army
April 12, 2017, 03:00:50 PM
Got some good news today, our son has been accepted to the Army's medical scholarship program, pending U.S. Senate approval of his officer's commission.  He graduates from the University of South Dakota in about three week then begins medical school in late July in Kansas City. He wants to be an orthopedic surgeon.  His mother and I are Very proud of him.
Looking more and more like the nuclear option is going to be used in the Senate, is this a bluff or do you think it will happen?  My guess is it's going to happen, which will effectively shut down the Dems for the next two years...going to interesting to watch. 
Off Topic / Chuck Schumer - What a POS
March 28, 2017, 11:05:56 AM
Just can't believe this ass-clown is the face of the Dems in the Senate....complete disgrace and classless individual....
Off Topic / New Bike Day - Happy 25th!!!
March 04, 2017, 07:08:47 PM
My wife and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary in a few weeks, man where do the years go?  Any way, we had planned on taking a long vacation to either Europe or the South Pacific to celebrate but our son is graduating from college about the same time, is heading off to medical school a couple of months later, and we'll be busy trying to get him moved and settled much for the long, exotic vacation :)

Soooo, we decided to pick up one of these beauties instead, and take a bunch of mini-vacations to the mountains, coast, etc.   Have taken a couple of nice rides on it so far and it's by the far the nicest bike I've ever ridden.....barcalounger on wheels and handles like a sports bike.  If you are in the market for a bike, check out the new Indian Roadmaster (muy bueno!).........

Off Topic / The Democratic Party's Disintegration
February 28, 2017, 12:57:42 PM
These people are a bunch of other adjective necessary....little toddlers throwing tantrums...they have created a fake narrative and immersed themselves is a fantasy world of their own wonder this country is collapsing from within.
Off Topic / The Results of Professional Protestors
February 23, 2017, 01:59:14 PM
The mess these ass-hats left behind is amazing/sick....supposed "environmentalists" that trashed the planet....these people are paid protesters as no one with a real job could afford to hang out in a cesspool like this for months on end....
Off Topic / Sweden - Immigrant Issues
February 23, 2017, 09:16:56 AM
Saw the talking heads over the weekend lambasting Trump, basically calling him a liar, for saying immigrants from the middle east were reeking havoc in Sweden....guess he wasn't wrong in the slightest, at least according to two prominent politicians in Sweden.  Is much of our press, and the press of much of the world,  becoming nothing but propaganda machines?  Starting to really wonder if this is so....was thinking Trump was just being his normal bombastic self on some of his press remarks, but seems like every day the press is giving more and more validity to Trump's attacks on them....Not Good.
Off Topic / Why California is Broke
February 07, 2017, 05:57:05 AM
All the needs to be said...$270,000 for a janitor and that doesn't include pension, health and welfare benefits, etc.
Watching the latest batch of protesters on the POTUS order temporarily holding travel from these areas.....we have zero way to vet folks from these areas, our intelligence folks under Obama said so in front of Congress, these are the countries the Obama administration said were the major terror areas, the terror groups have said they are infiltrating refugee groups, etc.  Trump said he would do extreme vetting from these areas or any other that needs it.  He did what he said he would do, has been doing so on things all week....a bit of a novelty.  Seems like anything Trump does is going to gather what looks to be the same relative group of people protesting every thing he does.  It's beginning to look a lot like these may be paid protesters/organizers in some of these gatherings....half the interviews with some of these people show they don't even know what the issue is they are supposedly protesting. Sure some are people that disagree but a lot seem to be like paid stand ins.....Sorts paid useful idiots?
Off Topic / Dems Plan To Not Work with Trump Ever
January 27, 2017, 07:02:16 AM
Guess the Dems aren't getting the message, or at least a bunch aren't.  This approach doesn't seem like a winning strategy.  Am going to bet the Repubs decide to use the nuclear option in the Senate and ignore the Dems if this is going to be their attack plan.....not good for the country.
More proof that throwing money at the education system ISN'T the answer.....$7 billion with NO improvement.
Off Topic / The Intolerant Left
January 23, 2017, 07:06:17 AM
Some of the Leftists in this country are completely out in La La Land....this poor guy must have the patience of Job to not have unloaded on this whack-job.....Geesh!!

Nice to see the other passengers, from all walks of life, stuck together as Americans.....

Off Topic / Less than 24 Hours Until New President
January 19, 2017, 01:42:00 PM
Going to be fun to watch (kind of)....significant changes coming down the pipe....meltdowns already taking place...hard left Dems playing a losing hand of obstructionism, while others cautiously looking to work with new administration (they are up for re-election in states Trump won)....Over 200 Obama executive order to be reversed in next several weeks...and the list goes on.....2017 is going to be one for the record books.....
Off Topic / Clinton Foundation Collapsing
January 16, 2017, 10:25:15 AM
Anyone who doesn't think this slush fund for the Clintons was funded by pay-for-favor money has their head in the is drying up faster than a creek during a California drought....
This is REALLY sick stuff.....WTH is going on?!  These four should be tried, and if found guilty, dropped from a gallows....
Dershowitz is a complete lib but even he says Obama and Kerry are complete dopes on the foreign stage....this latest childish move by these buffoons against Israel is a perfect example....legends in their own minds.

Off Topic / RIP Carrie Fisher
December 27, 2016, 11:48:31 AM
More stuff that illustrates how this movement is nothing but a political agenda....
Have never seen anything like the complete melt down of the political elitists and main stream media elitists, both sides of the's to the point of becoming the onset of mental illness and some folks needing serious psychological help.  Want to laugh as it's so pathetic, but can't as it is becoming apparent that these are truly self-serving, devious, lying, incompetent people.....drain the cesspool, forget the swamp.
Off Topic / Gooberment Pension Plan Collapse
December 09, 2016, 10:12:36 AM
This one in Dallas, we've seen Detroit, going to see a lot more of this in the years to come...